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Betting on BECCS? Exploring Land-Based Negative Emissions Technologies

Event summary

Rob Bailey and Richard King

26 min read

Supporting Healthy and Sustainable Diets: How Do We Get There?

Event summary

Bernice Lee, Laura Wellesley and Sudhvir Singh

21 min read

Soils & Climate: from Hidden Depths to Centre Stage?

Event summary

Sonja Vermeulen

22 min read

Reinventing the Plastic Bottle

Event summary

4 min read

Shaping Demand...A First Look

Event summary

Simone Cooper-Searle and Bernice Lee

23 min read

Circular Economy & Decarbonisation: Lessons from Industry


John Gardner

20 min read

Rethinking the Land Economy: Keeping 1.5°C in Sight

Event summary

Bernice Lee

25 min read

What’s Cooking? The Future of Meat


Laura Wellesley

17 min read

Land-use Challenges


Tim Benton

Disrupting Dinner? Food for the Future


Rob Bailey

22 min read